Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Whole New World

A Whole New World

Virginia Selley

If you are anything at all like me, you sit and ponder the deep dark corners of the universe and aren't scared of the answers you get or the questions you ask. 

One of the things I wanted to know is how I can make the world a better place. Really, I said, "OK show me how to help the people of this planet". ::Shrug::  I like dramatic statements :)

Anyhow, my basic understanding of the answers I got, showed me that the whole place would change if people loved more. 

Imagine for a moment (If you can), that we all have a sincere caring and universal genuine love for each other. Admittedly it's not terribly easy to conjure this up with all the visual messages of violence, which so permeates our experience here. 

So, here you are... A Whole New World. 

One of the big things that would happen is that no need would go unmet. Folks would rally together to get things done.

Now, imagine that world with all sorts of very wealthy people who have a mind to help others... Not only would folks rally together to get a need met, but they would teach others around them how to make a lot of money. The "needs" would fall away. People can now take care of themselves and they in turn go help someone else. There is Abundant Everything for everyone of us on the planet. 

If we are free from bills and the bondage's of those jobs we hate, then the world suddenly becomes a happier place for us and those around us. 

Africa would never need to ask for help again...
Rebuilding after a Storm would be very easily done...
Hospitals would never lack for funds to care for indigents...
All of the Dead End Jobs would change... They'd have too...

Now, imagine your life with a nice income separate from your J.O.B.

When you are making an extra 500.00 a week income it's easy to share that process with a friend, and so on and so on. That's how we build A Whole New World. 

There are really amazing things we can all do in this world "IF" we had the money to do so.

I really care that folks are broke and suffering... 

Click the link and lets begin... A Whole New World .

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Theology on Money

Theology on Money

Virginia Selley

Not having money Pisses me off. That's pretty plain and simple. 

The feelings many people have on money acquisition is way out of kilter, and about as out of touch with real life as back when the churches use to tell women not to take "the pill".  Antiquated... It no longer serves us.

Our world is changing. Many new ways to acquire wealth is born every day. As many ways as man can imagine, it is born. 

When folks would approach me with this new thing or that new thing, I'd listen politely, and then either sign up or I'd walk off. Honestly, I've always looked for something somewhere which made more sense than sitting around WISHING for a change, or that things would be different. Trying to buy food and pay bills was horrible for us. 

One day I listened to our old pastor talk about how GOD wants us to prosper and be in health... (then the voices in my head took over) - "Wait! I do agree with this  scripture so why am I not prospering????"  Then he said, "It is GODS will to give his children good things"! ... Yeah yeah....  blah blah blah (sorry if I offend someone but we'll blame the voices). Really? I mean Really God? Sigh... 

If I really believed this, why is it not better at my house? Why do we suffer? We must be doing something wrong. We must be bad people, or we'd prosper. Right?

Wrong! Just Wrong...

I'm not doing any damage to my children. If we are God's children then he is not doing damage to us either. So maybe its just the wrong thinking around money which makes me lack it?

These are things I believed and said to myself way back then about people who were prosperous.

Luckier than I am.
They came from wealthy parents.
That's not my reality.
It must be nice...
It's good that it worked out so well for them (dripping with sarcasm).

Now, there are more and I will spare you, but even now typing those things out I know that with all the negative stuff I BELIEVED there would be little way God could send abundance to me. Being as every seed yields like plants (A tater ain't making a squash plant). Which basically means, I was getting what I was putting out.

Well, I've grown. I know that with much also is much opportunity to do good things. I enjoy blessing people and giving. It's just a pleasure to plant happy seeds in people's lives.

My Theology on Money was always that it was wrong to have so much. However, after changing how I viewed Money, and what I said around Money, my theology is that money meant for us all.  God gives to his children so the work needing done here on planet earth can be done.  Sort of hard to get it done with empty pockets. Right?

This Helps Change the Playing Field....

Click here and visit. Play the short video. Sign up if you feel good about it.

Monday, June 17, 2013

We All Have A Story

       We All Have a Story

Virginia Selley

From the time the Internet has been available to the public, there has been scammers. It seems that this element of concealed identity breeds that sort.

I'm here to tell you, I've been taken advantage of many times; so many times that it  is a bit embarrassing to admit to you.  We all hope for better things in life. Its totally human to want better and to live a better life. We do see others do it, and know it is possible. With that Hope we are usually keeping an eye out for that hope to manifest in some form. If you don't try something new, it's a fair guess that whatever you are currently experiencing will continue to happen. Sometimes you just have to Shake Things Up.

With that thought planted, Yes, you do have to reach out and try different approaches. Evidently I have no trouble throwing myself headlong into new ideas or projects. Yep, I've hit a few brick walls. The keyword here though, is "TRY". I do keep trying.

Then I found out a pretty simple form for success...

Being as I do not believe in Bullshitting people you can take this as the truth.

If you want to know, click here, listen to the video. It's about 3 minutes long. Then you can either sign up with us for Free and learn more, or you can leave the video behind, no obligations, no head games and no guilt. We want people who want us. We do not need people who are unhappily and grudgingly present. Gimmicks and tricks do nothing for people. This is a program designed to aid and share. Not Steal and Use.  New Concept huh?

It's free for you to look around in and experience the Back-End Portal of the members area. You may even share the information presented Freely with your friends. You can ask as many questions as you want, we will guide you to the answers. If after you have experienced the FREE programs, and the useful Tutorials, and you see no value being a Pro-Member, you may still remain a Free member as long as you want. - Or you may Unsubscribe, and then we will thank you for looking. You spend nothing.

Monday, May 13, 2013

The principals of Chickens

The Principals of Chickens
By Virginia Selley May 13, 2013

Until we got chickens I never understood them...

Yes, this is about chickens but it is also about relationships. I do try to adapt what I learn daily into all areas of life so it limits the repeat performances of those lessons.

You have to earn the trust of chickens. They are naturally standoffish. You also have to have a no-nonsense way of behaving with them. They will try your resolve. Once the ground rules are set though, you can move forward in the joy of being with them, and they with you.

I figured it's more about respect than dominance.

One chicken, who's name is Velociraptor, tries my very limit of patients. She's the BOSS of the girls. I am an un-trusted interloper. It has taken me ages to get her trust. She knows my boundaries (now), and I know her's. I really can't say if we'll ever be close or friends like some of the other ladies, but at least we have come to some sort of respect for each other. When we breach the treaty of space and behavior we both know it. However, if she pushes me too far, she'll lose. She knows this. I respect her job as leader. We have a mutual respect.

We all need someone to help us along the way. She watches over the other hens. If their is danger she will let them know. She will let me know.

Chickens have a social network not unlike people. Their principals are fairly simple and the dynamics are far reaching in the flock. There's the overseer; the Boss. The Alarm; lets everyone know what's going on. The Food Finder; Lets other hens know where a nice stash of goodies were found. The Lookout; Keeps an eye out for Danger! Then there's The Snoop, who tattles about things which are happening.

While none of those titles seem very great, we have all experienced people of the same kind... Learning how to work within personal relationships can be very vital to health and happiness.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Perspectives Can Change:
By Gin Selley May 11, 2013

One day I was looking for a particular thing in my kitchen cabinets. I'd searched high and low. To be frank, it was really pissing me off. I'd seen it somewhere before, but could not for the effort I was putting out, find it.

No matter how hard I looked over the same places and moved a few extra items I could not find it.

Then it got a bit funny...  I'd asked one family member at a time, if they had seen or used it. Of course I assumed someone took what was mine and did not bring it back, as happens so frequently at my house. It just had to be someone's fault besides mine.

Later that day, when the heat subsided in my temper, I decided to go look again. I'm going to try 1 more time to find this and then I'm done!

There was one shelf which I didn't really look on very well. It was a good bit out of my reach and I'd need a ladder to see all of it. I could see some of it but it was just too high to reach without help.

Grumbling about having to get the dayam ladder, I went and got the thing anyway, and placed it so I could easily climb up on the rung (a whole 12inches) above my previous vantage-point.

Holy Poop! There it was! Just out of my reach and my view. It was there all the time just waiting on me to get off my ass and get a ladder.

I clearly heard the voice of wisdom speak to me at that time... "See it was there all the time. Its all about Perspective".  "Sometimes you just have to change the way you look at things" (or For things). I was just Stuck. The tool got me unstuck.

It has reminded me through life, that all I want and need is right in my view, if I change my perspectives. Changing the way I look at things daily, has given me a brighter life, and a happier view.

It does not matter what you do in life, you can change your perspective on how you look at it, approach it and deal with it and feel a lot happier in the process. This goes from money into relationships, and beyond. You can be successful in all areas of your life.

It's just good sense to try something new, if nothing you have done before this has worked. Sometimes, all you need is another 12 inches...

 -Gin Selley

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Today's Inspiration By Frederick Zappone May, 8, 2013

Moving BEYOND Lack And Scarcity

Having 'lack attacks' is normal, however what people do with those attacks is abnormal and results in them pushing abundance away from themselves rather than attracting it to them.  This happens because rather than fully expressing the lack and scarcity thoughts they have, they resist, depress or suppress them. This causes those thoughts to repeat themselves over and over again until the person is finally willing to release their lack and scarcity thoughts by fully expressing them into a non-judgmental environment. A non-judgmental environment they create for themselves or someone, like myself, creates for them.

Accepting 'what is' frees you up to create what will be. 
The act of not accepting one's thoughts of lack and scarcity and fully expressing them is what stops people from making, acquiring and attracting all the riches they want. Repeatedly squashing one's negative thoughts and feeling robs people of their motivation and energy and causes them to repeat those thought patterns over and over again. However,  when people find their VOICE and fully express the negative things they feel, those kinds of thoughts and feelings disappear from their life like magic.  

After downloading and listening to your FREE copy of the Finding your Voice program, if you have any questions about releasing lack and scarcity thoughts from your mind, write me by clicking here.  

- Frederick Zappone